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lunar probe 月球探測。

lunar rainbow

Japan ' s space agency said nearly two weeks ago that its lunar probe was in high orbit over the moon and all was going well as it began a yearlong project to map and study the lunar surface 日本的空間機構說在2周前發射了一顆月球探測器,在月球軌道上用于環繞月球繪制地區和研究月球表面。

On tuesday , state - run newspapers said china will launch its first lunar probe later this month , just weeks after regional rival japan successfully sent a lunar satellite into orbit 周二,主流媒體稱中國將在本月末發射第一顆月球探測器,僅比地區對手日本成功把探測器發射軌道晚一周時間。

Space flight is a high - risk undertaking , and lunar probing is particularly so 宇宙飛行是一項高風險任務,特別是探月工程。

China ' s lunar probing is serving entirely for the peaceful use of space 中國的探月工程完全以和平利用空間為宗旨。

Study on the hover control of the lunar probe 月球探測器懸停控制技術的研究